Monday, December 21, 2009

New Post, No Pics

This is a first - no photos. I took pics of our Christmas tree going up on Sunday but that's it. The room is not completely finished but I just wanted to thank everyone who has had a hand in this. In May of 2008 we gutted a huge room in Rowe and set a deadline of Christmas Eve dinner for the family in 2009. Bill over saw and did most of the work with LOTS of help from Paul, Mike and Russell. Paul did the dirtiest jobs, Mike is always there when you need him with a final push with his painting expertise (not to mention all the wood he cut and split this year). Russell is always there for a consultation but he designed, built and installed our panels over the fireplace. He brought new strap hinges for one of the doors on Saturday. Russ, you made me sweat a little with the time line but last weekends unveiling brought tears to my eyes. It is perfect. There are others - Manda, Yusuf and Cait. It's nice to know that your kids aren't afraid to get dirty. Then there are the revelers who are doing their best to cast out the bad spirits that's been in that house since I moved there in 1967. We are going to drive them away with our laughter and love for one another (and the dancing will be part of it as well). It makes me feel so good to know that there were so many hands in this project and all of them were part of our community in Franklin County - the rest of our country needs to go back to that - have friends and neighbors that do for each other. It's a precious gift. Next week there will be plenty of photos of the festivities. Happy Holidays to all!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Painting and Christmas Trees

This was a weekend for trying to get things finished up in the room.
Manda and Yusuf helped with painting the woodwork.

Bill painted.

So did Mike. Woodwork Saturday, walls on Sunday.

Sunday we reluctantly went to Russell's to get a tree.
There was too much to do but it was a nice escape
and a reason to be outdoors.

Wards were there with us on the powerline looking for the
perfect tree.

There was about a foot of snow and we were all
to scared to ride in Russell's trailer behind the tractor.

It was quite cold as well.

Bill dragging up a tree.

Everyone loaded their trees onto the trailer.

Carmen with her mystery red berries.
Have to find out what they are.

One kid riding in the bucket.

Russ and Bill loading on our tree.
Martha and Dale on the top of the hill.

Carmen's horse's wondering what all of the excitement is
about. They are so nosey.

And the cutest calf. One week old.

Santa Dale bringing his tree to the vehicle. There was hot chocolate,
chowder and chili afterwards - then pie and brownies.
Great time!

And while we were gone Mike came over and painted the
entire room! He should be sainted, he's a great painter
and an amazing guy.

Russ came over later in the afternoon and put the panel together,
Bill primed it. He tells me it will be up and painted
this week. We'll see . . .

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

First Snow

First snow this past weekend. Not much yet but we had about
4 inches. Sophie's plan was to be in every pic today.
Beavers are truly amazing creatures in the size of the trees
they can cut and carry in a very short period of time.
Sophie has to be here too.

Plow in winter.

A good ripper going to warm up the kitchen. This was one
huge blaze.

Garden in the first snow.

The weekend was spent finishing the sanding and priming
all of the woodwork. The panels had some primer put on
them before they are glued. Should go in this week. Painting
party this weekend. We are finally seeing the end of this.

Moving Along on the "Project"

Photo of a fire in the oven - this is the second in a series
of small fires to temper an oven that hasn't been used
since 1940 or earlier.

Russell brought the panel for the fireplace over on Thanksgiving
weekend. It has to acclimate for a couple of weeks before it
can be installed.

Beautiful - can't wait to see it in.

Stripping the door to the stairway. Interesting paint choices
back in the day.

Stripped - waiting for primer.

Looking like we could make our Christmas deadline.

A Little Fun at Ollie's

Just a little break with Carolyn & Mike at
Ollie's Down Under.

This is what happens when you forget your
reading glasses.
Some patron thought we should have our pic taken.
Great food, great fun!

Catching up

Spent most of the first weekend in November cutting, splitting
and stacking wood. Bill measuring to find out how much we have in.

A little over 5 cords in the shed, more outside and underneath
the barn. Thanks Mike for all your help.
Mike brought over the rototiller to turn under the garden.
Very sad :0(

Returning the tiller.

Garden in fall.

Monday, September 21, 2009

That Time of Year Again

Bill had a few cut trees to bring to the house so Russell let
him borrow his dump trailer.

He and Mike loaded it up and dumped it in the yard.

More than once.

Bill moved and stacked with the Bobcat.

This is my favorite part of Russ's trailer. Do people actually lie down
on the trailer frame with the dump body up ?!?

Manda and Cait learned to use the splitter.

I had to take pictures because this is so out of character.

Bill brought the wood to the splitter, they split it, I stacked it
in the shed. Moved right along.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Trimming out the windows

Mike came over Saturday to help with the window trim. He
set up his little woodshop on the patio.
While he measured and cut the wood Bill used the sawzall
to cut off the casing that stuck out into the room.

Mike showed Bill how to use the router for the edges of the windowsill.
They made it extra wide so I could put plants on it.

Measure twice, cut once.

Mike and Bill trying to get the reveals even.

Mike primed everything after they were put together. They are
beautiful. We are building some good mojo back into this
old house, one little step at a time.

This project has been a little (rather large actually) labor
of love. Everyone that's worked on it has been
someone close to us - not someone we hired. It makes a