This photo was taken from the back pasture on March 15th,
I'm always amazed at how much snow there is there this
time of the year. The temperature was almost 60.
Bill decided to burn one of his brush piles but found it slow going
because everything was still frozen, even with the high temp.
I spent most of the week in Rowe - we had a new furnace installed.
Consequently I had to stay in the house with no heat for two days.
Thank God for electric blankets and fireplaces!
We also helped Russell sugar. That was the main reason
Bill took some time off from work.
There was a new automatic draw on Russ's rig this year. It's quite the
time saver but somehow it takes some of the charm off of the way I remember
sugaring. The syrup tasted just as good though.
Bill did an excellent job as fireman. Load it up every four minutes. It's
a hot job but someone has to do it!