Monday, December 14, 2009

Painting and Christmas Trees

This was a weekend for trying to get things finished up in the room.
Manda and Yusuf helped with painting the woodwork.

Bill painted.

So did Mike. Woodwork Saturday, walls on Sunday.

Sunday we reluctantly went to Russell's to get a tree.
There was too much to do but it was a nice escape
and a reason to be outdoors.

Wards were there with us on the powerline looking for the
perfect tree.

There was about a foot of snow and we were all
to scared to ride in Russell's trailer behind the tractor.

It was quite cold as well.

Bill dragging up a tree.

Everyone loaded their trees onto the trailer.

Carmen with her mystery red berries.
Have to find out what they are.

One kid riding in the bucket.

Russ and Bill loading on our tree.
Martha and Dale on the top of the hill.

Carmen's horse's wondering what all of the excitement is
about. They are so nosey.

And the cutest calf. One week old.

Santa Dale bringing his tree to the vehicle. There was hot chocolate,
chowder and chili afterwards - then pie and brownies.
Great time!

And while we were gone Mike came over and painted the
entire room! He should be sainted, he's a great painter
and an amazing guy.

Russ came over later in the afternoon and put the panel together,
Bill primed it. He tells me it will be up and painted
this week. We'll see . . .

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